The Bots-Blog

A semi-educational journal documenting my time abroad in Botswana.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Old Molepolole

The past weekend a Zimbabwean Army Refugee gave me the honor of seeing old Molepolole. This was where the village began hundreds of years ago but is now deserted. The chiefs of Molepolole are buried there with the oldest grave dating before the Civil war. One of the original chiefs home's still stands but sadly has been ravaged by thieves for building supplies. Old Molepolole is beneath a ridge and is covered mostly in trees and bushes. There are a few hut foundations around but no much left over from the original village.

My Zimbabwean friend led me through the bush cutting down the obligatory huge spider webs and pointing out anything dangerous or poisonous to what is called Lekadiba. Lekadiba is simply a cliff that drops off into a river. Back in the day, if you were accused of a serious crime like witchcraft, they would push you off the cliff into the river.

If the village didn’t feel like the cliff that day, they could take you to a neighboring cave named Logaga la Kobokwe. This cave is in the necter of this rock face/cliff and is surrounded by foliage. Supposedly once you enter you will never return alive. Thankfully, I made back from the cave alive and in one piece. After David Livingston came to Botswana it became illegal to accuse anyone of witchcraft and therefore no one is pushed or thrown in to anything anymore.

Both Lekadiba and Logaga la Kobokwe are considered to be “bad” places which are haunted and frequented by witches. On a cab (khumbi) ride back our driver was visibly surprised when we told him we had came back from there and proceeded to lecture us on why we shouldn’t go there again.
Sala Sentle


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